Individual Sober Living
Sober Living fills in the gaps left behind by our traditional treatment model. For decades now, addiction treatment was addressed through detox and in-patient treatment, often less than a month of intensive treatment combined. Overwhelming evidence over the same period of time has shown that this model in ineffective and results in high recidivism. The Residents in recovery model of low-barrier access and longterm continuum of care has proven highly effective and supported by all many.
Early Abstinence Sober Living Program
Pre-Treatment Sober Living
Residents in Recovery's Early Abstinence Sober Living Program provides supported sober living for those starting their recovery journey. Whether coming from jail, remand, detox or home, our Early Abstinence Sober Living Program may be just what you are looking for to bridge the gap until you get into residential treatment.
Must have a substance-use disorder
Must be willing to attend in-patient treatment program
Must be able to pass drug test upon admission (7 days free of substances)
Must be able and willing to participate in intensive outpatient recovery program during stay
Can remain in program until treatment
If funding is a barrier, please advise admissions worker and we will get you set up on income assistance upon your admission.
Individuals that desire to get clean and sober upon being released from incarceration or detox are faced with the greatest continuum of care gap that exists in the treatment of any disease or ailment. Most individuals are left to fend for themselves with little to no support, and a society that has stigmatized these individuals into the shadows.
Residents in Recovery's compassionate and empathetic program breaks through the barriers, provides person-centered approaches to recovery and embraces any individual that wants a different life, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or age (over 18). Our aim is to provide on-demand services with as few barriers as possible. If something is preventing you from getting clean and sober, let us know.
The program takes advantage of the wait times for residential treatment by laying a foundation for recovery. A safe, supportive and therapeutic recovery environment in the first few months of recovery greatly improves outcomes, reduces relapse rates and yields long-term sustainable recovery programs.
Early Recovery Sober Living Program
Post-Treatment Sober Living
Residents in Recovery provides a stable environment to continue one's recovery journey. Residential treatment is just the beginning as addiction holds no cure. Putting the tools learned in treatment into practice in the real world, takes time and support.
Must have completed an in-patient treatment program in past 6 months without relapse
Must be able to pass drug test upon admission
Must be able and willing to participate in intensive outpatient recovery program during stay
Must be willing to complete intensive trauma curriculum while developing a reintegration plan
Reintegration plan may be school, work, family, etc.
Can stay in program up to one year
Many are facing the reality of years in addiction for the first time and this can be quite overwhelming. Support in piecing one's life back together makes it much more manageable. The financial situation faced by many would leave anyone stressed. Often individuals still have outstanding legal issues or conditions. Others are faced with an uphill battle to be reunited with their child(ren) and families.
At some point, reintegration back into the community as productive members of society is the goal. Some individuals will find work, others will return to school, some will once again become mothers and fathers, and most will find a way to include their recovery in their reintegration plans.
Treatment is often seen as the solution to addiction when in fact it is actually just the starting point. Recovery that is supported through the first year will result in much more positive outcomes and long-term sustainable recovery journeys.